Physical Exercise
Useful Tips for a Healthy Brain
What’s Good for Your Heart is Good for Your Brain.
What can add years to your life, help you lose weight, boost your mood, improve your sleep, reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer, keep your bones and your brain healthy? Exercise!
Even if you have never exercised, any physical activity is better than none at all.
Build Endurance with Aerobic Exercise
In addition to improved heart health, regular endurance exercise, like running, swimming or biking, can also foster new brain cell growth and preserve existing brain cells.
Build your endurance.
Get Into Strength Training
Strength training isn’t just for body builders. Lifting weights or using a resistance band not only builds muscle and strengthens bone; it can boost brain power, improve mood, enhance concentration and increase decision-making skills.
Build your strength.
Work on Flexibility
Your flexibility can gradually decline with age. Better flexibility means more energy, improved posture and reduced risk of injury. Tai chi, yoga and stretching help you stay more flexible.
Improve your flexibility.
Keep Balanced
Balance diminishes progressively as you get older. Balance training is not just about avoiding falls. Better balance will improve your overall movement and your ability to do things better throughout your life. Try simple exercises, like standing on one foot or walking backward.
Work on your balance.
5 días a la semana
30 minutos al día de intensidad moderada
Intensidad moderada significa que uno puede hablar pero no cantar mientras hace ejercicio
Apunte a su frecuencia cardíaca objetivo
Camine, haga senderismo, ciclismo, natación, baile o simplemente muévase
3 a 5 veces a la semana
Sesiones de 10 minutos
Sostenga cada elongación de 30 a 90 segundos
Elongue los músculos utilizando un amplio rango de movimiento
Tai chi, yoga y elongación
2 veces a la semana
1 set por grupo muscular, con 8 a 12 repeticiones por set
Ejercite todos los grandes grupos musculares con un descanso de 2 días en medio
Sentadillas, zancadas, lagartijas, flexiones de bíceps, elongación de tríceps, elongación de hombros, etc.
2 a 3 veces a la semana
Siéntese para ponerse de pie
Póngase se pie con un pie al lado del otro
Mésase desde los talones hacia los dedos
Camine hacia atrás y los costados
Camine sobre sus talones y dedos de los pies
Párese sobre una pierna
Clase de yoga o tai chi
Pump Up Your Heart
Exercise improves blood flow and memory; it stimulates chemical changes in the brain that enhance learning, mood and thinking. Exercise reduces the odds of developing heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
Exercise changes the brain in ways that protect memory and thinking skills. Build activity into your daily life: dance, wash your car, walk with a friend, jog, play golf, or tennis.
When you exercise keep your heart rate in the target zone. Check out your target rate.