Bebidas y demencia: ¿La hora feliz causa estragos en la salud del cerebro?

Feb 5, 2019

¿Ha oído alguna vez que el alcohol no es bueno para usted? Antes de tomar esa botella de cerveza o servirte más vino, considera este hecho aleccionador: el consumo excesivo de alcohol puede aumentar sus posibilidades de desarrollar demencia de inicio temprano.

Un análisis de los registros hospitalarios de 1 millón de pacientes adultos en Francia  mostró que el mayor factor de riesgo para la demencia de inicio temprano (antes de los 65 años) era el consumo excesivo de alcohol. De hecho, de los 57,000 pacientes en ese grupo que tenían demencia de inicio temprano, la causa de casi el 60 por ciento de ellos fue daño cerebral relacionado con el alcohol o trastornos por el consumo de alcohol.

Why is heavy drinking so hard on the brain?

Heavy drinking permanently changes brain structure and damages brain function. This damage can be caused by the direct effects of the alcohol on the brain or due to liver disease or poor general health because of the alcoholism.  

Poor nutrition can result in a thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency and is common in alcoholics. Thiamine is an essential nutrient required by all tissues, including the brain.

How much is too much?

The rule of thumb for drinks is a 5-ounce glass of wine, 12-ounce bottle of beer or 1.5-ounce shot of hard liquor. If your doctor asks you how much you drink, be honest. It’s very important to ensure that it is safe to drink alcohol with any medications you may be taking.

Beverages for Brain Health?

Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine and the skin of red grapes, is a potent antioxidant. There’s some scientific evidence to support it can possibly reduce cell damage associated with aging and may protect against the formation of damaging plaques in the brain.  Stick to the maximum recommended daily amounts of one glass for women and two for men.

Other beverage options for brain health include coffee (not ladened with sugar and creamers) and green and black tea. Staying hydrated with plenty of water is always a bright idea.

For more information on controlling your risk factors for brain health. Visit