You are your brain.

Your brain determines every aspect of your life.  It works tirelessly for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Today we live longer and we live healthier. Our heart, our joints, and the rest of our bodies can outlive our brain.  The Healthy Brains Initiative can help you create a brain span that matches your life span.

Your lifestyle has a profound impact on your brain health. Unlike aging and genetics, you have control of your lifestyle choices. provides you with tools, resources and a community to empower you to take actions to help improve your brain health and lower risk for brain disease.

How to use

Take action today to improve your brain health

Take care of your brain. Join the Healthy Brains community of  researchers, doctors,  caregivers and people just like you. Together we will reduce the risk, advance science and find cures for brain diseases. Leave a legacy.

Keep Memory Alive.

We are making great strides through clinical trials to find treatments for brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. By signing-up at, you are joining  a community of citizen scientists who are striving to improve their brain health and wanting to contribute to science.

Together we are making a difference, leaving a legacy, and keeping memory alive for now and for future generations.

Learn how the Cleveland Clinic Healthy Brains Initiative can help you maintain your brain health and keep memory alive.

The Healthy Brains Initiative is an online resource center where you can access information and manage your brain health.  The Healthy Brains interactive website provides you with innovative technology tools and much more.

Using your computer, laptop, tablet, or smart phone you can complete customized questionnaires, receive personalized reports and recommendations, and keep up-to-date on scientific news anytime and anywhere. is all about you.

Get Your Free Checkup With Our Healthy Brains App

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See how your choices impact your brain health.